Franklite Catalogue 25
A substantial range of chrome finish fittings with crystal glass candle pans all shown with optional translucent silver candle shades (No.1170). Dimensions exclude shades. If candle shades are used, the maximum wattage reduces to 40W. Dimensions exclude shades.
FL2374-12/1170 12 x 40W E14 Ø 940 H min 700 - max 2150
FL2374-5/1170 5 x 40W E14 Ø 620 H min 550 - max 2035
FL2374-2/1170 2 x 40W E14 W 340 H 360 P 240
FL2374-8/1170 8 x 40W E14 Ø 900 H min 600 - max 2050
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