Franklite Catalogue 25
Chrome finish fittings with modern dimpled glasses and feature crystal glass drops. The wall brackets have a switch at the base. The fittings are supplied with a chain suspension which can easily be converted to flush fitting for the lower ceiling. Suitable for dimming if used with mains voltage G9 halogen lamps. LED G9 lamps may be used but suitability for dimming will depend on the lamp and switch used.
FL2339/2 2 x 33W G9 W 360 H 200
FL2339/3 3 x 33W G9 Ø 440 H min 380 - max 820
FL2339/1 1 x 33W G9 W 115 H 200
P 170
P 230
FL2339/5 5 x 33W G9 Ø 560 H min 410 - max 850
TL989 1 x 33W G9 Ø BASE 120 H 350
FL2339/5 converted to flush
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